Thursday, September 10, 2009

An Artwork for a Good Start of College Life?

Just the 1st day of lesson itself
Every lecturer already prepared home assignments for we all
This is my Figure Studies lesson's home assignment
My very 1st....erm not actually 1st... but for a good start of college life

Yea... sketch artwork.
Luckily the lecturer gave all of us to choose male figure [which i favor more]
She said "Choose your dreamed guy or handsome guy." LOL
That's the best thing she ever said xD
She's clever enough to ask us to draw a "front view"
[which is the hardest for me... ;_;]

Actually i wanna hand in this artwork
But i carelessly draw it on the wrong paper type
So...needa reject it...& keep myself
Sad case... *slaps self*

For those who can't really recognize or identify the guy *sighs of disappointment*...
He's one of my idol - Hideaki Takizawa [Tackey]

And of course, his real look is definitely more handsome than in my artwork... =u=


  1. you're doing pretty good! It looks a bit too solid. Maybe, you should shade more on where the shadow is. But overall, you're improving!

    If I were to draw a handsome guy, I would draw Ruki from the GazettE xD

    I didn't mean to be arrogant or something like that... I just wanted to help...
    We can learn from each other right? ^^

    Anyway, which college are you attending??

    p.s. Its Nushi!!

  2. Thx for commenting! I'll work on it. :3
    I'm attending The One Academy.
